Sunday 31 May 2015

goodbye studio ghibli! - lets get happy tag

studio ghibli have finished making their last ever movie: When marnie was there.

picture: my neighbour totoro

Onto the tag:

Rules:1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

2. Tag eight other un-tagged people

What is your current fashion obsession? - Kawaii/pastel goth
What is your current makeup obsession? - ummmmmmmm
What are you wearing today? - I'm in my onsie - Lol
Hair? - short but curly
Do you nap a lot? - Not really
Why is today special? - It's not...just an ordinary day
What would you like to learn to do? Speak Italian and japanese
What's for dinner today? - I'm not sure actually!
What are you listening to right now? -

Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

What is your favorite weather? - hot with a breeze
What's the last thing you bought? - pepsi cola bubblegum
What are your essentials when traveling? - my bears?
What's your style?- I really don't know. 
What is your most challenging goal right now? - I have no idea. Probably liking going back to school
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? america
Favorite vacation spot? - that i've been to?
Name the things you cannot live without? -my bears

What would you like to have in your hands right now? A winning lottery ticket please?

What would you like to get rid of?

What are you most excited for? not that sure

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? america

Which countries have you visited? spain,tenerife,france, greece, italy

I Tag: 

Miss Internet

Emily U


I wish I could go to....... Japan

I have never been to Japan but if I did, these are the places I'd want to go:

 1. The great kawaii style shops

2. Ueno Zoo

A panda at the Ueno Zoo in Tokyo.

3. Studio ghibli mueseum!!1


4. hato bus tokyo tours


5. Tokyo Dome City (Amusement Park)

       Thanks for reading and remember to enter my giveaway                                                                                         

Thursday 28 May 2015

givaway - Varjak paw signed by the author

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Falling stars writing contest entry - five days


5th December 2011

Dear Diary,

As some people know, my time on this world is nearly over. That is why I have started this diary. It all started when I was 9 and I had an rash on my leg. I thought nothing of it and it went away after time. Then,when I was 11, it came back. Just like that. I went back to the doctors where I got told I was in the fourth and most dangerous stage of cancer. 

Saturday 23 May 2015

The darkest part of the forest by holly black - review

 Holly Black will bring bring shivers to your spine and warmth to your heart with this haunting modern faerie tale. Hazel and her older brother Ben are in love with the  mysterious horned boy encased in a glass coffin in the woods near their small town of Fairfold. Holly successfully merges modern teenage life with faerie legends and creates characters that have real depth that you care about. Even when describing the most mythical sections, the writing is really grounded and feels real. I like how hazel is so good yet feels the need to kiss so many boys. When I first read this I was terrified especially at the chant young girls would use:“There's a monster in our wood. She'll get you if you're not good. Drag you under leaves and sticks. Punish you for all your tricks. Anest of hair and gnawed bone. You are never, ever coming... home.” but would not ever say that last word. 

favourite quotes: 

 “We love until we do not. For us, love doesn't fade gradually. It snaps like a branch bent too far.” 
― Holly BlackThe Darkest Part of the Forest

“Once, there was a girl who vowed she would save everyone in the world, but forgot herself.” 
― Holly BlackThe Darkest Part of the Forest

“Well fine, then. I could send you out to win my favor. Possibly on a quest involving bringing a large mug of coffee and a doughnut. Or the wholesale slaughter of all my enemies. I haven't decided which.” 
― Holly BlackThe Darkest Part of the Forest

“He had green eyes so clear and bright that they made you think of poisonous drinks or maybe mouthwash.” 
― Holly BlackThe Darkest Part of the Forest

road of hate chapter 1

“Dawn Dawson” the receptionist shouts at me, “ I didnt think I’d see you again”
“Yeah, well, I’m here now, aren’t I?” I groan.
“well yes, I guess you are,” her voice softens, “he’s in their”

Ok, I know I should have been nicer and called her cass. She was my best friend in the world. Cassie was my identical twin….

Friday 22 May 2015

A little bit of poetry

Heres Some Stuff I have Written:


Canary bird,
canary bird 
in the tree so high
come down,
fly fly
to where I lie
My grave is murky
but you will make it quirky
You flitter and
but I cant even stutter
to say what a beautiful bird
you are.

Sorry about the dark theme - I wrote it when I was a death obsessed seven year old.


Always watching
Is he foe?
or is he friend?
Always watching me
Bewildering? Confusing?
I hope you liked it!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

branford boase book award shortlist

This award goes to début books by authors.

How i am going to format this list is by having the title/author, then a picture, then the blurb, and last but not least my comments.

1. Bone Jack by Sara Crowe

Bone Jack

Ash’s dad has returned from war, close to a breakdown and lost in a world of imaginary threats. Meanwhile, Ash’s best friend Mark is grieving and has drifted away into his own nightmares. Ash’s only escape is his lonely mountain running, training to be the stag boy in the annual Stag Chase. But dark things are stirring. Ash begins to wonder if the sinister stories about the Stag Chase are true.

My comments: Like many of the others on this list this is one I have not read. It looks very intriguing though.

2. The Year of the Rat by Clare Furniss


The story of 16-year-old-Pearl, struggling to keep going after the death of her mother who dies after giving birth to The Rat as Pearl designates her tiny, newborn sister. How can Pearl ever forgive The Rat for the grief she has caused? Locked into her own sadness, Pearl knows that only her mum can help her. What would she say if she turned up and knew what Pearl was thinking?

My comments: This seems like my type of book!

3. Cowgirl by Giancarlo Gemin         

Growing up on the embattled Mawr Estate in South Wales, all Gemma sees are burglaries, muggings, sadness and boredom. With a dad in prison and a mum who has given up hope, she, like everyone around her, is holding on to memories of the times when happiness wasn’t so hard to find. Then Gemma meets the legendary Cowgirl, and everything changes.

                                                                          My comments: I think I'll try this one.

Some others in the short list:

4. Half Bad by Sally Green
My comments: I have read and loved this book I really recommend it.

5. Trouble by Non Pratt

6. Leopold Blue by Rosie Rowell

7. The Dark Inside by Rupert Wallis