Sunday 29 May 2016

My morning Routine || Fangirl edition

Hello people!
I feel like my intro just gets weirder and weirder every time. Today I will be writing down an average morning in my life. Even though i'm on break, this will be on a school day.

5;00 AM - I usually wake up at about five for some weird reason. This isn't that good because I usually get to sleep quite late.

5;30 AM - After getting dressed, I will usually lie in my bed and read until......

6;00 AM - I go downstairs, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth. 

6:28 AM - I go back up to my room, and feed my hamsters

6;35 AM - I now brush my hair and watch youtube. This is a very important part of my day, if I do not enjoy Booktubers, gamers, and fellow fangirls each morning, I will be grouchy the whole day. 

7;42 AM; Cry in my bed because THE FEELSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Today this video made in burst in tears of joy:

8;00 AM - Random laptop musings - editing videos and answering comments

8;30 AM - Leave for school

I hope you enjoyed. BYE

Tuesday 24 May 2016

3 Mind Changing Books

When I read a book, I usually know what to think after the first few chapters. Whether I love it, or I am bored by it. But recently something to me...
   I didn't know how I felt!

Sometimes, when I don't know how I feel about a book, I just leave it. When this happens, usually my small inkling of thought changes. So today i'm telling you about some books that I've changed my mind about.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
fImage result for the hunger games

I personally think this book is overhyped. I know it's what made the YA genre popular but still.. My original opinion was "Wow! This book is awesome!!!". Now my opinion on it is, "Well.Ok" I think I used to be so obsessed with it because it was my first YA book and it was exciting and fresher than middle grade, younger novels.

Harry Potter

I also used to love this book (Well, I only read the first one so maybe give it another chance one my TBR pile goes down) but now, no offense to Potterheads I feel you, I really don't care. 

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

And for my final Mind-changing book, my opinions went up. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I am addicted to anything involving Shadowhunters and City of Bones was the book that started it all. I was first introduced to The Mortal Instruments (AKA the best series ever) through Booktube and i didnt like. Now it's my life. I'm not sure what clicked.

Okay, thank for reading,


Thursday 19 May 2016

Characters Book Tag

Hi! Noor did this and so did many booktubers so I decided to try. The top image is Noor's but the rest are mine, unless otherwise stated. I kinda changed some of the questions so umm.. Yeah!

I would have to say Clary Fairchild or Isabelle Lightwood because these two are just my favourite female shadowhunters. The mortal instruments may be a common choice for asskicking characters but I would like to point out that they are both cleverer than Tris and more lovable than Katniss.

Sebastian from TMI is the best freaking villain ever. I mean, no spoilers but he is more heartless than Valentine but then in City of Heavenly Fire, AAAAAaGGH. You know what I mean if you read it.

I think I might have about three so here goes:

Will Herondale - He's funny and protective and he's WILL.
Jem Carstairs - Who wouldn't date Jem if you had the chance. The end of Clockwork Princess crushed me okay!
Alec Lightwood - If I was a guy Elec would be OTP. I mean, Alec is lit. the best TMI character so...

This is tough. I agree with Noor that Clary was annoying but Tris from Divergent made me almost scream. She gets better in the last two books but she kinda feels stupid.

ALEC LIGHTWOOD. ALEC LIGHTWOOD. ALEC LIGHTWOOD. Hands down Alec forever, he's just so so amazing and wonderful and as Simon said, "way better than jace!"

I actually have multiple book otps (one true pairings)
- Malec (Magnus and Alec TMI)
- Sizzy (Isabelle and Simon TMI)
- Saphael (Raphael and Simon) - Its not canon (official) but I love it.
-  Wessa (Will and Tessa TID)
- Jessa (Jem and Tessa TID)

A brotp is like an OTP but it's like friendships instead of relationships.
- Clalec  (Alec and Clary)
- Jalec (Alec and Jace)
- Clizzy (Izzy and Clary)
- Mill (Magnus and Will)

Monday 16 May 2016

I've Matured...

Do you remember when I started this blog? I was a little girl who didn't know what to do with herself, let alone her blog. She didn't know what she wanted to tell the world so she began her blog with a burger recipe and blurry pictures of spanish easter parades, with watermarking quite ugly.
 Oh, and I missed my 1 year anniversary of this blog by almost two months.

So today I would like to thank my amazing followers and viewers, especially moonbaby, who has been with me since the beginning (I think you missed your blog versary too), I have 5190 page views! Yaaass! 

Along with this beautiful blog, I have grown. I'm no longer silent at school, I'm almost outgoing! I can face my fears without too many tears! 

Thanks for reading, 


Saturday 14 May 2016


Almost a gazillion years ago, well 2013, Morning wrote a post about a Maroon 5 video called daylight. I decided I too would write about how inspiring it was. And wow it freaking is amazing almost as amazing as the books of Cassandra Clare (Good job Edie, plan out a great sane post about a serious project and throw in a Shadowhunters reference).

Just watch and forget a typed the TMI thing:

I'm crying as I write because its so inspirational and amazing and asdfghjkl. I just wanna let you know about this video as its so wonderful and heartbreaking.....

(I'm sorry I have to put it in there...)

Like the Infernal Devices!
(Damn it Edie)

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Tessa - The infernal devices inspired


The sound. 
The ring 
The "essa".
The Changer.
The warlock.
The sister.
The slave.

The Parabatai.
The addict.
The sick one.
The brother.
The hope.

I'm not sure what I really wrote. I just typed as the words formed. I guess I'm trying to explain Will Herondale in lists. Visiting his mind. I took inspiration from Noor's mystery poem, the infernal devices and Lorali by Laura Dockrill.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Goodbye April!

I'm sorry this post is so late but I had to publish some other things first.

(images inspired by annaish)

For me, I think I can say April was a great month. I finally got back into blogging after quite a long slump. 

Kara Jade started releasing daily Pretty Little Liars Theories!
We separated my hamsters
I got sick. ALOT.

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Thank you so so much for reading! 

Monday 2 May 2016

Songs and Music

So umm...  Hiya!
Long time, no blog but I guess I did kinda post yesterday but not all of you could read my Shadowhunters Jace Wayland fangirling because of spoilers. Sorry! [Sidenote- for TMI and TID fans- I called him Wayland cause spoilers]

Today I'm Sharing some great artists that you should listen to. Okay that came out lame but it's all I have. 


I recommend most her music but I would like to mention her song colors as I think it's really beautiful but don't judge her on just this song because I know this isn't many people's favorites!
Here is an acoustic version:

Here is the normal version (Except as an Alec Lightwood fan video):

Here is the remix (Except as an Alec Lightwood fan video)

Okay. I think from these videos you can see I have a shadowhunters problem.

She is so so freaking amazing. I would recommend Monsters and War of hearts. Guess where I found this brilliant artist. Hint Hint - look above. Yes, Shadowhunters. Monsters is in the opening scene of the pilot and War of heats in the theme tune!

Here is War of hearts:

Here is Monsters:


Her songs are just so creepy and cool and amazing. #3rd fave fandom.

So umm here are the clips. This is Dollhouse. Not exactly my favourite but you don't know how freaking hard it was to find an MM shadowhunters video!

And heres Mad Hatter - PLL style!

And there you go. I actually think this video was quite educational. 
And btw I wouldn't say I'm crazy cause I like Shadowhunters so much. 

Sunday 1 May 2016

Shadowhunters TV - Review/reaction.

If you have not yet watched this series or read the tmi books, I would strongly advise that you read/watch them if you dont want to be spoiled. 

So today I'm doing a review of episode 13 which was the season 1 finale! I really really really enjoyed this episode! It's probably not my favourite but It was pretty good. The finale was just really good, and better written episodes, I enjoyed it more than the earlier episodes. I'm happy that we got one really amazing episode after two amazing scenes in the last two! I hope this is what we have ready for season two, I will enjoy the next season way more if this is what we're going to see. And yet again I want to remind you that that was the end of the spoiler free section.

Okay, now anyone reading further should be up to date, right? Let us begin. I really enjoyed Clary and Jace as siblings more than as boyfriend and girlfriend because it feels like something satisfyingly more than all too lovey dovey and almost fake. One thing I loved about this episode is when Clary's trying to tell Jace that he's not a bad person and he's not Valentine and she's showing him the baby JC chest to say, look she really is your mother. She talks about how their mother wouldn't have left him  if she didn't think he was dead. Then Jace ends it with just saying, "You were raised by Jocelyn, I was raised by Valentine. A pair of baby booties isn't going to change that," This was so much like book Jace and it made me so happy and It's really nice to see parallels from the books. I think all the actors have improved during this second half of the season. Seeing Jace as Clary's brother, all angered that he was brought up by Valentine, which is the Jace I want to see, and I feel that the actor has adapted to that now. 

Thank you for reading this short jace post!