Hello people!
I feel like my intro just gets weirder and weirder every time. Today I will be writing down an average morning in my life. Even though i'm on break, this will be on a school day.
5;00 AM - I usually wake up at about five for some weird reason. This isn't that good because I usually get to sleep quite late.
5;30 AM - After getting dressed, I will usually lie in my bed and read until......
6;00 AM - I go downstairs, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth.
6:28 AM - I go back up to my room, and feed my hamsters
6;35 AM - I now brush my hair and watch youtube. This is a very important part of my day, if I do not enjoy Booktubers, gamers, and fellow fangirls each morning, I will be grouchy the whole day.
7;42 AM; Cry in my bed because THE FEELSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Today this video made in burst in tears of joy:
8;00 AM - Random laptop musings - editing videos and answering comments
8;30 AM - Leave for school
I hope you enjoyed. BYE