Friday, 17 June 2016

Villainous Mistakes

Hi! Today I'm talking about mistakes authors and writers made when fleshing out (or not) their villains. This post is inspired by Kat @(Almost) Completely Mad. You can visit her blog here.

But before I get into this post, I'd like to announce something exciting. 

Thats right! I'm going to Comic Con! I just needed to scream that out there. Now! On to the post...

I'm going to list some scenarios for badly fleshed villains, with the model story I just made up; Sarah's Sock!

What backstory?
What if, when Sarah finally finds her sock and the sock thief is revealed, you get all pumped to see his awesome backstory explaining why he is the way he is! But you turn the page, and all you read is Sarah got her sock back and went back home. Here's how that would play out:

SARAH: So it was you all a long
SARAH: *Steals sock back* Bye!
SARAH: *Goes home*

I didn't even know there was one!
What if, Sarah goes down to the shops after realising she'd lost it down the side of her bed or somewhere, only to see the sock thief wearing the socks:

SARAH: Oh well, I have more, I'll find it when I change the sheets.
SOCK THIEF: *Wearing her custom made socks*
SARAH: Wait, I thought I'd lost it but you stole it. Wow.

Thanks for reading, for more remember to check out almost completely mad! 


  1. Hiya!
    I had just discovered your blog address within another blogger's comments. I actually really like your style of writing. It's new,original and witty! You're definitely right about the common mistakes which all authors/writers make.
    #sweetreats x
